Friday, July 8, 2005

Crashing Into Reef

Red Sea liveaboard sinks

British divers aboard the MV Coral Queen liveaboard were forced to abandon ship when the vessel hit a reef..

Some people just aren't careful enough. The reefs are very delicate communities. Those of us who keep corals are well aware that the hobby has taken a big enough toll on the hobby. We don't need ships crashing into the reefs!

We ought to do the best that we can to help our reefs rebuild and grow. On this note, I would encourage all reef aquarists to buy captive bred corals and species only. Check with your local pet store or suppliers if they sell captive raised corals and liverock. There are tons of suppliers out there that raise corals in captivity... it is also a good idea to buy just captive raised fishes as well (but for some species may be impossible but I highly encourage you to look into it). Also, many coral raisers take intitiative to help save and grow coral reefs, and I would encourage you all the more to support those companies that do such beneficial activities!

Jay Kahn

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