Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Another Excellent Blog Out There!

I found this other great blog you might wanna bookmark and follow too:

Think Reef - Reef Aquarium Info:

"This site is dedicated to my passion for coral reef aquariums"

Why should I copy what has already been done so well?... So, I'll just re-direct you to another great blog out there that has a bunch of great resources.

I'm not going to repost what's already there, but a lot of what's there is some of the best stuff I've read in a blog about the saltwater/marine aquarium hobby...

But this is one blog for you to check out that is great!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the kind works Jay!!

I'll be sure and add a link back to your site in my sidebar.

Brad a.k.a Callous1 from ThinkReef.com